Employee Motivation Post Covid Part 2: How HR managers can still motivate employees Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

Source: www.techjockey.com


As we emerge from the throes of the pandemic, organisations across the globe are facing a pressing issue: how to reignite the enthusiasm and commitment of their employees in the post-COVID era. 

Fortunately for corporate leaders and HR practitioners alike, Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory may offer a solution by looking at hygiene factors and motivators that affect employee morale.

Motivation is too big a topic to cover in one blog post, so be sure to check out Part 1 where we looked at Maslow's Hierachy of needs.

What is Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory is a psychological theory on motivation in the workplace developed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg in the 1960s. 

As per Masterclass.com (2023)Herzberg’s theory broke down workplace needs into two categories: hygiene factors that determine the basic level of stability & job security, and motivation factors that give employees a sense of satisfaction

Examples of motivation factors  & hygiene factors

Source: https://www.indeed.com

How can HR managers apply Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory in the post-COVID workplace?

As per Indeed.com (2023) they can do so by following these 3 steps.

1. Evaluate the workplace

Evaluate morale in your work environment to help you identify motivating and hygiene factors.

2. Address hygiene factors

Create a plan to address hygiene factors that impact the workplace. For example, you can revisit company policies & offer training programs.

3. Reinforce motivators

Make the motivating factors more prevalent in the workplace to boost satisfaction among employees. For example, you can promote training and development opportunities to show employees the company is committed to their professional growth.

Limitations of Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

Although widely accepted and revered, there have been criticisms of the theory, these focus on Herzberg’s methodology, assumptions, and relevance to modern day organisations. For example Herzberg conducted his research at a time when organizations tended to be rigid and bureaucratic whereas today organisations focus on innovation (Nickerson, 2022)

Herzberg’s research was also predominantly conducted on knowledge workers thus certain researchers criticize its ability to be generalized to a wider organisation with different types of employees. (Enyia, 2017)

Another limitation is that there is no mention of how external factors like competitors or other maco and micro environment factors can influence the working decision of employees. (Miller, 2022)


Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory offers a valuable framework for HR managers to assess the hygiene factors and motivators that impact employee morale & promote motivation. By evaluating the workplace, addressing hygiene factors, and reinforcing motivators, organisations can create a more satisfying and engaging work environment. 

However, it's important to note that while the theory is widely accepted, it also has its limitations. HR managers should therefore use the theory as a starting point and adapt it to their specific organisational context to maximise its effectiveness.


Enyia, D.C (2017) | critical review and comparism between maslow, herzberg and mcclelland’s theory of needs | LinkedIn (no date). Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/critical-review-comparism-between-maslow-herzberg-enyia-acipm-hrpl-/ (Accessed: 11 April 2023).

Indeed Editorial Team (2023) Herzberg’s Theory: A Guide for Boosting Employee Motivation (no date) Indeed Career Guide. Available at: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/herzberg-theory (Accessed: 11 April 2023).

MasterClass.com (2023) How to Use Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory to Boost Worker Productivity |. Available at: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-use-herzbergs-two-factor-theory-to-boost-worker-productivity (Accessed: 11 April 2023).

Miller, K (2022) In-depth Explication of Herzberg’s Motivation - Hygiene Theory | Crowjack. Available at: https://crowjack.com/blog/strategy/motivational-theories/herzbergs-theory (Accessed: 13 April 2023).

Nickerson, C (2023) ‘Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation-Hygiene’ (2022), 3 November. Available at: https://www.simplypsychology.org/herzbergs-two-factor-theory.html (Accessed: 11 April 2023).


  1. Thanks for this informative article on Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory and post-COVID workplaces. I believe that companies must revive employee passion and dedication. The theory's hygiene elements and motivators and HR managers' application procedures can boost employee satisfaction and engagement.

    As you noted, the theory's extension to diverse organizations and employees is limited. Despite these limitations, the approach gives HR managers a sound framework for recognizing and meeting employee needs.

    The content was instructive and useful. I appreciate this knowledge and look forward to reading more from you.

    What are the limitations of Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory?

    1. Thank you for your comment Niluka, actually, I have touched on several limitations such as the relevance of Herzberg's research given how long ago it was conducted, the fact that his research focused predominantly conducted on knowledge workers, and that fact there is no mention of how external factors like competitors in his findings.

      Some critics have also pointed out that employee job satisfaction and work efficiency are not directly related, while also pointing out that factors that motivate people may vary widely and the theory doesn't account for individual differnces (HRDQ Staff, 2023)


      HRDQ Staff (2023) ‘Two-Factor Motivation Theory’. HRDQ Blog. [Online] Available at: https://hrdqstore.com/blogs/hrdq-blog/two-factor-motivation-theory#table-of-contents-9 (Accessed: 16 April 2023).

  2. This theory is very useful for organizations to evaluate and make efficient outcomes for organizations, however, there are no specific measures how external factors impact the employee's working conditions, in my opinion, you can't stick to one theory to make more productive outcomes from your employees, great article to analyze challenges we face when we apply these theories, really appreciate it

    1. Thank you for your comment Ashkar, yes you are correct one of the limitations of Herzberg's theory is that it does not touch upon external factors such as competitors and the micro and macro environment.

      Human motivation is indeed a vast and complicated subject, It is very important that HR managers and corporate leaders look at other theories as well, for example, The Expectancy Theory, proposed by Victor Vroom of Yale School of Management in 1964 the theory suggests that people are motivated to perform behaviors based on their expectations of the outcome. (communicationtheory.org, 2017)

      This theory consists of three components: expectancy, instrumentality, and valence. Expectancy refers to a person's belief that their effort will lead to performance, instrumentality refers to the belief that a desirable outcome will follow from their performance, and valence refers to the value a person places on the outcome. Each component is influenced by various factors such as previous experiences, control over the situation, and personal preferences. (Juneja, 2022)


      communicationtheory.org (2017) ‘Vroom's Expectancy Theory of Motivation and Its Components’. [Online] Available at: https://www.communicationtheory.org/vrooms-expectancy-theory-of-motivation-and-its-components/ (Accessed: 16 April 2023).

      Juneja, P (2022) ‘Expectancy Theory of Motivation - How Expectancies Affect Motivation’. [Online] Available at: https://www.managementstudyguide.com/expectancy-theory-motivation.htm (Accessed: 16 April 2023).

  3. A very informative article.

    From your article, I can understand that by addressing hygienic concerns, reinforcing motivators, offering growth opportunities, creating social connections, and effectively communicating, HR managers can implement Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory in the post-COVID workplace. By doing this, they may develop a work atmosphere that is more fulfilling and inspiring and supports both employee well-being and company success.

  4. Thanks for sharing this insightful post about Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory and its relevance in the current post-COVID. I found it interesting to learn about the different factors that can influence employee, and how HR managers can use this theory to create a positive work environment. As an employee, I believe that feeling valued and recognized for my contributions is essential for maintaining my motivation and job satisfaction. I also appreciate the importance on providing opportunities for growth and development, which can help employees stay engaged and motivated in their work Overall, this post provided me with a lot of valuable insights and strategies that I can apply in my own work situation.

    1. Thank you very much for the feedback Praveen, I'm especially pleased that this blog post was of value to your own work situation.

      I think with most of these motivational and psychological theories it is only through adaptation, customization, and usage in our day-to-day job roles that we can see their value, particularly from a practical point of view

  5. This blog post provides a clear and concise explanation of Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory and its relevance to HR practices, particularly in the post-COVID world. It's great to see how HR professionals can use this theory to enhance employee satisfaction and motivation.
    It would be helpful to include some tips or best practices for HR professionals who want to implement Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory in their organizations. For example, how can HR teams effectively identify and address the hygiene factors and motivators for their employees? Hope to see those in your future blogs.

    1. That's an excellent question Prasadi, actually Nair (2023) has an interesting take on this, she refers to the creation of an "Employee Value Proposition" whereby there is a mutual give-and-take between an employee and the organization because while certain factors are enough to attract employees, other factors help motivate and retain them. Whereas for organisations they're hoping that the employee in question would give the organization that extra edge in the competitive business world.

      A bit of a different perspective is offered by Allas & Weddle (2022) who argue that companies do a better job of addressing the psychological needs of higher-earning employees than lower-earning colleagues, therefore more needs to be done to fairly address the hygiene factors and motivators of all employees

  6. I completely agree with your perspective on Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory. While the framework offers valuable insights into the factors that impact employee motivation and morale, it's crucial to recognize that each organisation is unique and faces its own set of challenges. Therefore, HR managers must adapt the theory to their specific context and continually evaluate its effectiveness. By doing so, they can create a more productive and fulfilling work environment that benefits both employees and the organisation as a whole.

    1. Thank you very much for the feedback Lalindra! Standardisation is very risky in the modern world, where individualism is such an important aspect via initiatives such as DE& I, therefore as you say, its crucial to recognize that each organisation is unique and faces its own set of challenges.


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